Friday, August 18, 2006

8/18 Updates - New Section Up

I spent several hours scanning the House of Bloo's junior novellization this morning and now the pictures are up in the form of clipart:

I still have several other activity books to tackle but I thought we'd just start with this one. I just scanned these, I did not draw them, so I claim no ownership of these images. They are free for the taking (though of course as always, hotlinking is disabled).


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

8/15 - New Forum Up!

The new Never Forgotten forum is live!

Hopefully it won't blow up. :) Remember if you were a member on the old forum be sure to send me a PM after you register and give me your login name from the old board so I can manually import your original join date and post count.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Forum News - 8/14

Well it's 12:30 so it's the 14th now though I accomplished all these things technically on the 13th. ;)

As you may or may not be aware I have purchased a vBulletin license for the discussion forum so I can move it off of Proboards and onto my own server, where it will be a lot more secure - plus of course vBulletin is worlds better than Proboards. Today I spent designing the look of the forum - my graphics coordinator will of course also help me with skins but I needed something for now. Here are shots of the header and footer:

It took me all day to do that. First I had to find a premade style I liked and download it then I spent the rest of the day airbrushing out the existing graphics and making Foster's ones to replace them. It looks a little shoddy but I think its okay to get us started. I'm pretty proud of the fence - I freehanded that on my tablet, going for a sketchy hand-drawn look.

OMG I am so tired. -_-

edit: Remember everyone, comments go to the moderation queue before they will show up, so please only send each comment *once*. Either some people are sending multiple times or the server is triplicating some people's comment entries.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Updates for 8/9

Yeah I'm a day late with this, sorry. :P Two updates for yesterday, one, the screencaps for The Big Cheese are up. Two, I recapped The Trouble With Scribbles. The easiest way for me to do that was to recap the entire episode the same way I cap a new one, and I completely replaced the old caps with the new ones. I hope I didn't wind up losing any caps that anyone would miss. Anyways there are now over a hundred caps for TTWS instead of only fifty-something.

I will be recapping many of the earlier epsiodes in this way. The reason I am doing it is because I am working on a new section of the site for which I must basically rewatch every episode, and I figure as long as I'm doing that I will recap the eps with the smaller galleries.

Also, the experimental download section is gone. I only had two full eps on there but within only a few days I used up about half of my monthly allotted bandwidth, which if course won't do at all. I am still searching for an alternative solution for downloads but for now, there won't be any on my site.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Updates 8/2/06

So the Bus the Two of Us screencaps are up. While I was making them I remembered how I often get asked how I make screencaps, so after I was done I whipped together a little How-To page, which is linked to at the bottom of the screencap index. Mind, it used to be harder for me to make the screencaps before I found those utility programs. :P Ohwell.